
Kayanna Gibson
2 min readJan 18, 2021


In this Blog i have analysed my key influencer James Charles and his interaction with is audience across His social platform Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. Using a series of evidence taken from his social media platforms i have also chosen two main theories that would best help to analyse James Charles for the purpose of this assignment. The theories applied were Goffen’s preservation of self in everyday life and Buttler’s Gender theory. As Goffmen’s theory focused on the front and back stage persona and how we present different versions of ourselves as though we are wearing a different mask during each stage, i have analysed James Charles front stage and Back stage persona showing the different mask he wears in each and how his audience perceives each mask. In Butler’s Theory I have have analysed how James’ gender is not identified by his sex but rather the aspects of process by which you utilise in your day-to-day life for example the way you styled your hair, the way you dress, All the things that you applied to James Charles Body.

Over all James has shown his audience different side to his personality of which he has faced many controversy. Never the less James continues to be himself and takes on what ever challenges he faces one at a time. He interact very frequent with his audience across all social plat forms and is perceived in many different lights just as he portrays himself to suit each situation. This assignment has help me to understand the aspects of what James and influencer faces as well as get a better understanding of why he is interpreted by his audience in so many different ways.



Kayanna Gibson

BSC Digital Media and Communication Student (Year 2). My blog is a part of an academinc project for my Social Network & Digital Media Course at MMU